‘We whisper to the dawn’

It’s arrived! The brand new anthology from the talented young poets at Didcot Girls’ School is finally here… “We go out for cold air, hoping there will be some/ we wait for the tiny tune of the ice cream van.” From ‘Today’ by Claire Hague This anthology brings together new poems and flash fiction, writtenContinue reading “‘We whisper to the dawn’”

Starting point for a poem

Our Didcot Girls’ School Poet Laureate, Larika Jones, has been writing away, behind the scenes, working on her latest poem. Each term, I give the Poet Laureates I work with in schools, a new commission. Typically a single word, it becomes the point from which they grow a poem. I always encourage them to startContinue reading “Starting point for a poem”

How to sum up the summer term…? Patron of Writing Update

‘Expect the unexpected.’ That’s been proven to be so true for me, this year! Covid-19 has brought extreme challenges for many of us but I can definitely see how my work has grown, through it. As I was no longer able to meet face-to-face with our DGS Young Writers group after March this year, weContinue reading “How to sum up the summer term…? Patron of Writing Update”

Introducing [drum-roll]… our Poet Laureates

So today and tomorrow, I’ll be showcasing the latest work by the incredibly talented young poets, who earned the title ‘Poet Laureate’ earlier this year, in their schools. It’s a genuine privilege to be able to work closely with these writers, as part of my role as Patron of Writing at Didcot Girls’ School andContinue reading “Introducing [drum-roll]… our Poet Laureates”

‘under the sun’s rare brilliance’ – a final Patron of Writing update for 2018/19

I’ve genuinely loved every moment of being DGS Patron of Writing for 2018/19. It remains an awesome privilege for me to crack open some space in the school day for creativity and writing. And I’m absolutely thrilled to be returning next year – so watch out, next year’s Year 9, poetry is coming for youContinue reading “‘under the sun’s rare brilliance’ – a final Patron of Writing update for 2018/19”

“I Give You Permission” – latest update from my Young Writers’ Mentoring at Didcot Girls’ School

Within 3 minutes of settling down they are writing. 2 minutes later, I have a plethora of raised hands to choose from – all keen to share aloud the words they’ve just written. An observer would be impressed. And that’s just the warm up. At this halfway stage (week 10) in the mentoring programme, lookingContinue reading ““I Give You Permission” – latest update from my Young Writers’ Mentoring at Didcot Girls’ School”

‘Empowerment’ – by our Poets Laureate

  (Photo by Chelsi Peter from Pexels) I’m proud to be able to publish today the Didcot Girls’ Poets Laureate new commissioned poems. Nina, Kat and I met 6 weeks or so ago to look over their final drafts of these recent poems. Out lunchtime sessions are brief but wonderfully rich times when we chat about many things,Continue reading “‘Empowerment’ – by our Poets Laureate”

Showcase of the Short

My young writers at Didcot Girls’ School have made it to the half term breather, which seems like a good opportunity for me to take stock. We are six weeks in to the mentoring programme, and the poets have responded to my first call for submissions of work for this blog. So here they are,Continue reading “Showcase of the Short”